Rock Climbing Mallorca: Port de Soller

This article is part of a series in which I am reviewing the local climbing spots on Mallorca from my beginner / intermediate climber point of view.

The climbs
Several sectors are right next to each other on the about 35 meter high wall facing out to the bay. Most climbs are in and around a cave that can be clearly seen during the approach. The cave itselfs naturally has mostly hard stuff in grade 7 and 8 while the walls to the side feature excellent long (up to 27 meter) routes from 6a to 6c - still steep and pumpy!

Further to the right there are some shorter easier routes - great for warming up.

In total there are about 60 routes with almost all of them looking very good (the ones we climbed definitely were).

The rock is typical for the coastal crags on the island with tons of options and often very good holds. Most routes have new and glue in bolts which can be quite spaced especially on the long routes. There is plenty of space at the bottom of the climbs which makes belaying comfortable.

Parking up close to the restaurant Nautilus in Port de Soller and follow the wide track down towards the wall. Super short sub 5 min approach.

The good, the bad and the ugly
Almost everything here fits the bill: Very good climbing with almost zero approach in towering over the ocean. The only negative is that the most busy routes are quite polished (which can make your heart race if combined with spaced bolts!).

The wall is west facing with shade in the morning and direct sunlight in the afternoon.

More Information
Route Information on theCrag
Route Information on UKClimbing
The area is also described in RockFax Mallorca