Rock Climbing Mallorca: Pixarells - Tramuntana Bouldering

This article is part of a series in which I am reviewing the local climbing spots on Mallorca from my beginner / intermediate climber point of view.

The climbs
The area consists of a big cluster of about 10 meter high rocks that are undercut at the bottom and some boulders around this central area. Most climbs are on the overhanging lower parts of the main rock cluster. Additionally there are quite a few on the other rocks including some traverses.

Most of the problems are quite hard (at least for me) with grades of Font 7 and up. However with some creativity one can find easier ones as well. In general the climbing is quite steep and physical.

The landing areas are mostly flat but beware of the sharp rocks poking out of the ground here and there.

Many of the problems are described on the instagram account CroquisMallorca.

The boulders are all situated in the Pixarells area close to the Lluc monastery in the Tramuntana mountains. Park at the Menut recreational area and take a small but well marked path on the opposite side of the road for 5-10 minutes until you reach a big cluster of rocks.

The good, the bad and the ugly
This area is a must visit for boulderers on the island and offers high quality climbing in a great setting that is quite different from what most people would expect from Mallorca.

Most problems are hard and there is little for beginners here. Some of the routes are real high balls bordering on free solo climbs. The rocks stay wet for quite a while after rainfall and during the more humid winter months.