Äppelknyckar Day 4: Tinned ravioli

Kisa to Gränna, lake Vättern

Our general heading for the day: West until we hit lake Vättern. With thunderstorms forecasted around the lake for later that day we kept a close eye on the weather the whole day and we paced ourselfs to make sure we would not be riding into the storm.

The landscape until lake Vättern continued to be similar to the day before however the track led us over some horrendous washboard gravel that did no seem to end. At this point it has to be noted that 32mm cross tyres are fine and dandy but do lack comfort and grip as soon as the surface gets loose and rough.

For lunch we fired up the cooker to prepare a staple of camping food: Tinned ravioli. I think this was the day the running joke of the graveletti was conceived by Torben - the name we gave to the small bialetti he had strapped to his seatpost bag.

Upon arrival at the Vättern the aforementioned thunderstorms were in full swing over the south end of the lake and we rode along the shore trying to to get used to the idea of sleeping in the storm under our tarp. However luck, once again, was on our side as we found a place for the night right at the lake and next to a friendly Australian couple doing a grand tour of Europe in their campervan.

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